Bristol Railway Circle

Events - 1
Events - 2
Gallery - 1
Gallery - 2
Blue Plaque
The Signal - Index


           The BRISTOL RAILWAY CIRCLE was founded in 1934, originally catering for both 'full-size' and model railway enthusiasts. The Circle had its own permanent club rooms for many years, firstly in Clifton, then Redland Station, then a couple of venues in the Sea Mills area, and finally Redland Parish Church Hall. Due to the reconstruction of the Church Hall, the Circle now holds one formal meeting a month (summer months excepted) at the BAWA Club on Southmead Road. Other meetings are held at the President's house on Redland Road.

The Circle meets every Tuesday evening between the hours of 7:30 p.m. and 9:15 p.m. Formal meetings at the BAWA Club on the third Tuesday of the month take the form of lectures, slide shows, etc. Other evenings given over to informal discussion (Club Nights), DVD shows or short presentations. Books from the Circle’s extensive library and the latest magazines are available. Light refreshments in the form of tea, coffee and biscuits are also served. The Circle’s lecture programme covers a wide range of subjects of railway and associated interest (other transport, industrial archaeology, etc.).

During the summer months most Tuesday evenings are publicised as Club Nights although at least one evening month will have an alternative activity (local walk, BBQ, etc.). Occasional day trips are made to specific events on nearby preserved railways as well as to those on the Network Rail owned network. Until the early 1980s, the Circle chartered a special train to a destination further afield with appeal both to the enthusiast and the public at large. We also hold an annual party held sometime over the Christmas or New Year period for Circle members and their families.

Details of subscriptions, etc are available from the Honorary Secretary: